Left Hand Itching: Lottery Good Luck?

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Written By Jon-G

Serial entrepreneur and king of the side hustle. 10+ years making money online and developing business opportunities.

Do you have a left hand that itches every time you play the lottery? If so, you may be in luck! Some people believe that left hand itching is a sign of good luck. In this blog post, we will explore the superstition around left hand itching and whether or not there is any truth to it. We will also discuss some other theories about why left hand itching occurs and what it could mean for your lottery playing habits. So, if you’re curious about left hand itching and lottery good luck, keep reading!

What is an itchy left hand and why does it occur?

Left hand itching is a superstition that has been around for centuries. The belief is that if your left hand itches, it means you will soon receive money. This superstition is most commonly associated with gambling and lottery playing. Many people believe that if you scratch your left hand when you’re thinking about or playing the lottery, you will increase your chances of winning.

So, what causes left hand itching? There are a few theories. One theory is that left hand itching is caused by nerves in the left hand. These nerves can become irritated and cause an itch. Another theory is that left hand itching is caused by dry skin. When the skin on your left hand becomes dry, it can cause an itch.

If you’re a lottery player, you may be wondering if left hand itching is a good luck charm. Unfortunately, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. However, many people believe in the power of left hand itching and continue to scratch their left hand when playing the lottery. Some even go as far as to say that left hand itching is the only way to win the lottery.

Is left hand itching a sign of good luck or bad luck?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. It all depends on what you believe. If you believe that left hand itching is a sign of good luck, then it will be. If you believe that left hand itching is a sign of bad luck, then it will be. The power of left hand itching lies in your belief.

Right Hand Itching: Lottery… Is that better luck?

As you might expect, the right hand itching for the lottery is no more lucky than left hand itching when playing the lottery. In fact, for some individuals, right hand itching has the opposite meaning of left hand itching. If your right hand itches, it is said to be a sign of bad luck.

Right hand itching is often associated with losing money or having financial problems. Like left hand itching, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. However, many people believe in the power of right hand itching and avoid scratching their right hand when playing the lottery.

Other theories about hand itching

In addition to being a sign of good or bad luck, having itchy hands has also been linked to other superstitions. Some believe that left hand itching is a sign that someone is talking about you. Others believe that left hand itching is a sign of impending danger. Some worry their mother-in-law is about to visit or the boss will fire them. Yes people actually worry about this stuff if they have itchy hands!

How to deal with left or right hand itch

If you suffer from hand itching, there are a few things you can do to ease the itch. You can try using a lotion or cream on your hand to moisturize the skin and reduce irritation. You can also try taking an antihistamine to help relieve the itch. If hand itching is caused by dry skin, you can try using a humidifier in your home to add moisture to the air. Buying a lottery ticket will not relieve your itch. It will slightly improve your odds of winning; after all, not playing at all locks your odds at 100 percent certainty, that is to say – zero.

Itchy Hand and Saving Money

There are countless superstitions in cultures worldwide that millions of people allow to govern their lives. Why give power to those random chance accidents when you can take true control of your life? Having an itchy hand is really no more lucky or unlucky than “fingers crossed,” “break a leg,” a black cat, walking under ladders, the power of three, Friday the 13th, breaking a mirror or any of the other innumerable superstitions. (Throwing salt over my shoulder and spitting as I write this.)

Itchy Hands, Luck and Games of Chance

Playing a game of chance may be fun but we can’t take it too seriously. When your hunches derive from a place of superstition, maybe it’s time to put away the idea of “luck” controlling your outcome… and instead, remaining focused and steadfast on the efforts that will lead you to have additional income, security and prosperity.